Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Psalm 2

Why do nations assemble with such a tumult?
Why do people consider such a futile scheme?
See how the kings of the earth line up in array 
And the rulers unite themselves in common cause
Against Jehovah and against his anointed king,
Proclaiming, "Let us break the chains of our bondage
And cast off the heavy ties that bind us to them."

But he who dwells in Heaven only laughs at their threats
And dismisses them with mockery and contempt.
He will soon voice his displeasure and his anger,
And his anger will frighten, confuse, and thwart them.

He will say, "Here on my holy mountain of Zion
Have I anointed the king of my own choosing."

This I proclaim as a divine decree:
"You are my son," I was told by Jehovah,
 "I, on this day, attest that I fathered you.   
Ask of me what you will, for I will grant you
The nations of the world as your legacy
And the ends of the earth as your domain. 
With an iron rod you will rule and break them
And dash them to pieces like crockery."

You princes of power who run the world
Be duly warned and learn this lesson well:

Give service to God, but tremble in fear before Him,
Rejoice in his presence, but revere him in your hearts,
Pay homage to him, but with earnest piety,
Dare not arouse his ire by straying from the path,
For his vengeful wrath may suddenly be inflamed.

Blessed are they who find their refuge and put their trust in him!

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