Monday, June 26, 2017

Psalm 58

How can you, when dumb, speak justly?
Do you judge people with fairness?

No, in your heart you practice injustice,
And your hands spread violence across the land.

In the womb the wicked will go astray,
And at birth pursue error and falsehood.
Their poison is like the viper’s venom;
They are a cobra that has stopped its ears
And will not heed the tune of the charmer,
However cunning the enchanter be.

O God, knock their teeth out of their mouths!
Pull out the fangs of the young lions,
O Jehovah, let them disappear
Like water poured on the thirsty ground.
Let their arrows, when shot, be blunted.
Let them be like slugs that melt away,
Like a mother’s miscarried child
That will never see the light of day.
Before your pots will feel the heat
Of the thorns, he will sweep them away,
Whether they be green or burning.

The righteous will rejoice when they see
Vengeance meted out and, they will bathe
Their feet in the blood of the wicked.
Then the people will declare, “Indeed,
There is a reward for the righteous.
And, verily, there is a God
Who dispense justice here on earth."

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