Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Psalm 68

Let God rise up and scatter his enemies;
Let those who hate him flee from his presence.
Disperse them as wind blows away the smoke.
As the melting of wax before a fire,
The wicked perish in the presence of God.

But the righteous are gladdened and rejoice
Before God.  Let them celebrate with joy!
Sing out to God; sing praises to his name.
Extol the one who rides upon the clouds.
His name is Jehovah.  Exult before him.

A fatherless to the fatherless,
And a protector of widows,
Is God in his holy dwelling.

God makes a home for those who are lonely;
He frees prisoners and makes them prosper,
But the defiant live in a sun-baked land.

When you were at the head of your people
And marched with them through the desert, O God,
The earth quaked and the heavens poured down rain,
Before God, (the god that made Sinai tremble),
Before the presence of Israel’s god.
You sent down rain in abundance, O God,
To refresh your worn-out inheritance.
You settled our people on it, O God,
And your bounty provided for the poor.
It is Jehovah who proclaims the message 
And the ones who spread it is a multitude.
The marshals of armies take flight and flee,
While the women at home divide the spoils.
Even those who live amid the sheep pens
Are as doves whose wings are sheathed in silver
And whose pinions are of glittering gold.

When the Almighty did scatter the kings,
It was like the snow blowing off Mount Zalmon.
The mount of God is the mount of Bashan;
The mount of peaks is the mount of Bashan.
Why do you, O mount of peaks, gaze with envy,
At the mount where God has chosen to dwell,
Where Jehovah will reside forever?

The chariots of God are numberless,
Thousands upon thousands, and among them
Is Jehovah, from his sanctum in Sinai.
When you ascended the holy mountain
You led slaves whom you’d freed from captivity.
You accepted offerings from your people,
Even from those who had been rebellious,
So Jehovah their god might dwell among them.

Praise be to Jehovah, who, day by day,
Bears our burdens and is our savior god,
For our god is the god of salvation:
Master Jehovah deliveries us from death.

Surely God will surely crush the skulls of his enemies,
Even the hairy scalps of those who persist in sin.
Jehovah declared, “I will bring them back from Bashan,
I will bring them back from the depths of the ocean.
And you will dip your feet in your enemy’s blood.
(The tongues of your dogs will lick their share of the blood).

They have witnessed your procession, O God,
That of my god, my king, into the sanctuary.
In the fore are the singers, and then the musicians,
And, with them, young women playing their tambourines.

In the congregation bless God, Jehovah,
Who is the fountainhead of Israel.
Leading them is Benjamin, the youngest,
And among the throng, the princes of Judah.
The princes of Zebulun and Naphtali.
Muster your might, O God, show us the strength,
O God, that you have long used on our behalf.
Because of your temple in Jerusalem,
The kings of the earth will bring you tribute.

Rebuke the wild beasts that dwell in the reeds,
The herd of bulls that lead the people like calves,
Humbled, may they bring silver as tribute.
Disperse the nations that take pleasure in war.
Mighty princes will come out of Egypt;
Cush will reach out in submission to God.

Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth,
Sing praises to Master Jehovah,
He who rides across the heavens,
As he has done from ancient times,
Thundering with a mighty voice.
Recognize the power of God,
His mastery over Israel,
His strength showing itself in the clouds.

God inspires awe from his sanctuary.
To his people the god of Israel
Entrusts power and strength.  Thanks be to God!

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